Three members of Unity Power Force at Chinese dim sum Great To Go Out For Ethnic Cuisine Again After two years of the pandemic of staying in, it was great to go out for ethnic cuisine again as ...
Scuba Diving Plus Beautiful Marine Life Videos
Clint passing by the lions at Humber Bay Scuba Diving Plus Beautiful Marine Life In Harmony Here is something also very different and unexpected at Unity Power Force - a set of short videos (3 ...
Cute Dogs In Harmony
Cute Dogs In Harmony Cute Dogs In Harmony I have a 17 year old Lhasa Apso dog named Roxie and for years she and her late brother Chester went on on nature hikes with their dog friends. It was ...
#StopAsianHate Is A Worthy Campaign
#StopAsianHate Is A Worthy Campaign With the online hashtags world ever evolving, I came across the #stopasianhate campaign which is a very worthy one in my opinion. Thousands of young Asians ...
Why I Wrote In Harmony As An Antiracism Antidiscrimination Song
In Harmony released on Spotify Why I Wrote In Harmony As An Antiracism Antidiscrimination Song Our song In Harmony releases on Spotify, the biggest music streaming platform today on October 14, ...
Hate Laws Not Enough To Stop Racism & Discrimination
Stronger hate laws are only part of the overall solution to stopping racism Hate Laws Are Not Enough To Stop Racism & Discrimination Different groups have been lobbying all levels of govern ...
In Harmony Lyrics Music Video Antiracism
In Harmony Lyrics Music Video With Antiracism Messages I recently made a call out for participants to be in our lyrics video for In Harmony. I managed to get enough volunteers who were not to ...
How Rock And Roll Made Me Accept The Gay Community
Freddie Mercury Of Queen How Rock And Roll Made Me Accept The Gay Community This is Pride Month in Canada and since Unity Power Force promotes anti-discrimination, I thought that I would share ...
In Harmony Anti-Racism Anti-Discrimination Song Is Done!
In Harmony Music Video In Harmony Anti-Racism Anti-Discrimination Song Finally Done! Well it seems like it took forever but our original signature song called In Harmony is finally done! It wa ...
Snow Skiing Can Be Diverse Multicultural Fun
Snow Skiing Can Be Diverse Multicultural Fun I've been a snow skier for over forty years and started when there were very few Asians and other ethnic individuals on the ski slopes. But since ...