#StopAsianHate Is A Worthy Campaign

#stopasianhate stop asian hate crimes lives matter racism antiracism diversity discrimination antidiscrimination

#StopAsianHate Is A Worthy Campaign

With the online hashtags world ever evolving, I came across the #stopasianhate campaign which is a very worthy one in my opinion. Thousands of young Asians across the world and especially among those living in western countries like USA, Canada and the UK have taken a stance against racism towards Asians.

Since I’m no longer a young guy, this has all been very refreshing to me as racism towards Asians is nothing new. I personally experienced racism ever since I was a little school kid going through grade school during the 1970s in Canada. It just happens to have a lot more media attention these days which is a good thing.

Back then, in many ways racism towards Asians and any other ethnic minorities here in Canada was much worse than it is today because there were fewer of us Asians around. In any of the schools I attended, there were only a handful of Asian kids unlike today in major cities where you will find lots of fellow support from other ethnic minorities.

I don’t recall a single school day when I did not hear the derogatory term ‘chink’ thrown at me by both boys and girls alike. But since racism was not considered a big deal back then, nobody really did anything about it. Not the teachers, principals and not even much action taken by our own parents.

So with today’s active stance with the #stopasianhate as well as the related #stopasianhatecrimes plus #asianlivesmatter campaigns, I’m encouraged by the many Asians and non-Asians alike who dare to go online with videos to take action against racism. This encourages me to make my own contributions towards such campaigns through Unity Power Force.

Proud of #stopasianhate

Even with our diverse group of singers who participate in our music program, we have two Asians, Queenie Tran and myself who sang in our signature antiracism and antidiscrimination song In Harmony which you can hear below at the Spotify embed app if you are a Spotify account holder (others will hear a preview).

Listen to In Harmony on Spotify

Thank you to everyone out there who is supporting antiracism and antidiscrimination in some way whether through active online activity like #stopasianhate or another campaign or just how you choose to live your life with people who are different from you in your own communities.

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