In Harmony Anti-Racism Anti-Discrimination Song Is Done!

in harmony anti-racism anti-discrimination song music
In Harmony Music Video

In Harmony Anti-Racism Anti-Discrimination Song Finally Done!

Well it seems like it took forever but our original signature song called In Harmony is finally done! It was a very long process starting with the recording of all the instruments during the summer of 2021 as well as my own vocal tracks. Then other singers came on board throughout the fall and winter to contribute additional vocal tracks.

The music video also took quite a bit of time to shoot since not everyone was available on the same day. We shot most of the video during late winter but one of our singers Janine had to get some surgery done which set us back another month. We finally got her in to shoot her parts in May but before we could finish the music video, we still needed the final completed music audio track itself for In Harmony.

After all of the studio recording was done, the song was sent to a professional mixing engineer to enhance the audio tracks but it took awhile for me to find a suitable engineer who could give this song the right treatment. We did get the final mix of the song around the same time we finished shooting the music video.

However, this was still not the final step as there was one last process called ‘mastering’ which is done after the mixing engineer produced the final mix. This final mix was sent to an audio mastering engineer which took another week and now in June, we finally have the end result suitable for release to the world!

I took this completed music track and used it for our music video which you can see and hopefully enjoy right below.

In Harmony music video

More Activity To Come

The above music video is just the beginning of a LOT more activity to come! The above is just the short version of In Harmony. There is a longer extended ‘Monster Guitar’ version of the song which will be released very soon also on our YouTube channel (hit the YouTube graphic below to get to it).

The song does have some very important messages about anti-racism and anti-discrimination and you can view the lyrics of In Harmony at another post. If watching the video at YouTube, please hit the Like button there and share this video with as many people as you can since every little bit helps us end racism and discrimination.

Now that In Harmony is released publicly, there will be a series of short fun videos about the development of the song to give folks an inside glimpse of how the tune was composed and recorded. Also, we have been working on a few foreign language versions of In Harmony in French, Cantonese, Mandarin and Spanish. Hopefully those interesting versions will be done in the future as we recruit singers who could sing in those foreign languages. We’ll likely see Janine, Queenie, Zahra and myself among some new faces in those new versions.

We do have a stripped down acoustic version of In Harmony already recorded too but have not started on the professional mixing and mastering yet but planning to get this released soon too.

Even with the above main version of In Harmony in English, there’s still more possible as we explore new video versions with the same song including a lyrics video and since the tune has a Latin American vibe to it, I’m really hoping that we can shoot a Latin dance video with it too.

So far the song is being released only on YouTube and our website here but we are working on getting it on the various music streaming platforms so more people can find and enjoy it.

The different versions of In Harmony are not the only songs Unity Power Force will release as we do have quite a few more songs in various stages of recording completion as our music project is an on-going one with community participation. So stay tuned for more exciting stuff to come and in the meantime please help us spread the news about In Harmony out there.

Check out the main In Harmony webpage for the song.

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