Lyrics Of In Harmony Anti-Racism Song

anti-racism music anti-discrimination in harmony lyrics

Lyrics Of In Harmony Anti-Racism Song

Here are the lyrics of In Harmony which is our signature song with anti-racism and anti-discrimination messages.

In Harmony

The TV news made me feel sad
Once again people hurt real bad
Just because they’re not the same
They don’t deserve all of this pain

Why do we have to hurt each other?
Just because we believe in different ways?
In the end we all really want the same thing
To live in a world we’re free to sing

It’s time to live in harmony
We want to live in harmony
It’s time to live in harmony
We want to live in harmony

Sometimes dark ages still live in us
Still full of hatred and much distrust
Have we as humans evolved at all?
We have to learn or we all will fall

Imagine a world we’re free to choose
Imagine a world we’re free to love
Are you ready to make this dream come real?
Spread this call like birds high above

It’s time to live in harmony
We want to live in harmony
It’s time to live in harmony
We want to live in harmony

Copyright Clint Cora 2015

Deeper Meanings Behind Sections Of The Song

As the songwriter of In Harmony, I thought that I would go a bit deeper into the meanings behind certain sections of the song and the first will have to be the title of the tune itself, In Harmony. One of the translators who worked on the translation for one of the upcoming foreign language versions of this song indicated to me that in her home country, they do not use the word ‘harmony’ to describe people getting along.

But to me this is okay because even in English, when people first see or hear the word ‘harmony’, they don’t think of people but probably link this word to something about music. However in my view as a songwriter, I feel that I have the artistic freedom to utilize this word to express how different people can get along just like how different notes of music can work well together in harmony. I feel that once people hear the whole song or even read the entire lyrics, they will understand what I mean by ‘In Harmony’.

The entire first verse is my observation of racism and discrimination not only reported locally in the media but from international events such as conflicts and wars as well. Much of this human conflict revolves around not only differences in race or religion, but also against those who are marginalized such as people who are handicapped (physically and mentally) plus those with different sexual orientations, appearances and viewpoints. So when I wrote the line ‘Just because we believe in different ways?’, it meant more than just differences in religion.

In the second verse’s first four lines starting with ‘Sometimes dark ages still live in us’, I am referring to the continuing mistreatment of people who are just different and sometimes the mistreatments can be quite severe like with those incidents that are considered to be genocide. Both international and civil wars continue today mainly because of differences between people much like they did during the medieval times or ‘dark ages’ as I referred it in the lyrics. So my question to all is even though mankind has progressed so much technologically, have we as humans really evolved that much since we still have so much conflicts in the world?

The last four lines of the second verse which is like a prechorus has been misinterpreted by some folks. The first two lines envision us to be free to be whomever we want to be and to love whomever we want to love no matter what sexual orientation or race people happen to be. So the second line here ‘Imagine the world free to love’ is supporting those who choose to be in interracial or gay relationships. Again, this section of In Harmony shows that the anti-discrimination message goes far beyond just race and religion. All people who have been discriminated against should be supported.

The last line ‘Spread this call like birds high above’ has also been a bit confusing to some people. What I mean in this line is that the overall message of anti-racism and anti-discrimination should not just be spread to the next person beside you or just locally but should be spread globally as far and wide as possible, ie., as high as possible where birds fly. I did not mean for the birds to do anything (as one interpreter thought). I just used the word birds to indicate just how far I think these messages should be spread.

So the word ‘birds’ is not as crucial as the other words in the verse which is why in some of the upcoming foreign language versions of In Harmony, I was willing to leave any reference to birds out of those foreign language lyrics.

So I hope this gave everyone a better understanding and appreciation of where I was coming from when I wrote the lyrics to this song. I had the title and a few lines here and there lying around for some time but when I had some spare time in a hotel room during a vacation, 80% of the lyrics just poured out of me within about thirty minutes.

Now here is the song through the Spotify embed app below where you can listen to the entire song if you are a Spotify account holder – others will hear a preview.

Listen to In Harmony on Spotify

This song has its own main In Harmony webpage.

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