Tour Of Recording Studio – Development Of In Harmony Part 5

unity power force recording studio in harmony anti-racism song music
Unity Power Force recording studio

Unity Power Force Recording Studio

We’re going to bounce around a bit as most of this was posted before even Part 1 of our Development of In Harmony series was written. I chose to add on some voice overs to a video showing our recording studio and replace the older one right here on this post which will become Part 5 of our Development of In Harmony series. Part 4 was about the opening vocal sounds in our tune In Harmony.

A previous post showed the lyrics of In Harmony which is our signature song promoting anti-racism and anti-discrimination. The music melody had been composed on my guitar many years ago using some jazzy, Latin-American inspired chord progressions. I never actually put any lyrics to this melody until I wrote In Harmony.

This song was one of the first to be recorded in my home recording studio which I built at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. Since we were all isolated at home, I took this time to learn all the basics of studio recording with Logic X as the DAW or digital audio workstation which is the main recording software. In this short video, I give everyone a quick tour of the recording studio where all music tracks and vocals for not only In Harmony but numerous other songs for the Unity Power Force music project were recorded.

Video Tour Of Unity Power Force Recording Studio

I recorded all the music tracks playing all the instruments as well as main vocals for about fifteen songs including In Harmony during the spring and fall months of 2020 which was the first year of the pandemic.

It wasn’t until the fall months of 2021 when we brought in the first two additional singers, Janine and Simona, to add vocal tracks to In Harmony. More singers came into our recording studio to record even more vocal tracks throughout the beginning of 2022 which an upcoming post will show more about.

The short version of In Harmony should be right on the home page of this website.

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