Video Shoot Of Rockin’ Me

Michelle, Clint & Janine hamming it up at video shoot

Video Shoot For Rockin’ Me

What a super fun day it was at our video shoot for the song Rockin’ Me. The weather was pretty perfect for shooting conditions as it was cloudy which provided a nice diffuse lighting condition. We were just worried about the possibility of rain but once we got to the video shoot site, we didn’t feel any drops at all. We did have to hurry to get through all of the shooting scenes though before it got too dark by sunset projected at 7:16 pm. But we did manage to complete all of the planned scenes at both the construction junkyard and the train tracks locations in about one hour and fifteen minutes thanks to a carefully planned shooting schedule for the various scenes as well as two extra helpers acting as videographer and audio music operator (soundtrack to lip sync to).

Although our main antiracism song In Harmony will still be the first of our set of tunes to be released on Spotify and other music streaming platforms on October 14, 2022, we wanted to keep pushing to do both more studio recording as well as video shooting to have an ample amount of material ready to be released of the next couple of months. So our first cover song Rockin’ Me which is completely finished with recording, pro mixing and mastering, was next in line for a music video. But unlike the studio video we did for In Harmony, the music video for this song is more theatrical utilizing interesting outdoor locations as well as high energy from the three singers (shown above) who performed on Rockin’ Me.

As I write this, another song called Shoot It In The Net is already recorded and pro mixed but waiting in line to be pro mastered. We were going to release Rockin’ Me as the next song after In Harmony but this might change due to the World Cup event in November since Shoot It In The Net is a sports song. More developments will definitely come soon.

New Logo Graphic For Unity Power Force

Since we were at a cool site to use as a photo set as well, we also managed to shoot several still photos as we wanted to not only get some more group shots but also update our logo graphic for Unity Power Force. You can see our new logo graphic at the homepage which replaces the former one which was the circle of diverse hands. The old one was great too but it really wasn’t our graphic since I found that image online and modified it a bit. That one was always meant to be a temporary one until we had our own original replacement which we finally shot at the video shoot. A more square version of the same new logo graphic is shown at our contact page.

The reason why our new logo graphic works really well is much like the former circle of diverse hands, we were fortunate enough to also have real life hands with different skin tones at our video shoot. These represent diversity and multiculturalism just like the circle of diverse hands but with the addition of the electric guitar in the shot, there is the connection to our music project as well. So not only is our new logo graphic an original one created by us so we can use it wherever we want, it represents more of what Unity Power Force is all about. Again, see our new logo graphic right at our homepage of this website.

Our new logo graphic will also be used at our Facebook page, Instagram page, TikTok page and YouTube channel.

unity power force music video shoot clint cora antiracism rock antidiscrimination multicultural diversity

After our video shoot, we all went out for dinner at a Thai restaurant in Streetsville which was awesome socializing with neat ethnic cuisine. The only regret was that I forgot to take a photo of our dinner which would have been good content for our food section here.

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