Promoting Anti-Racism Can Be Fun!

anti-racism racism unity power force diversity
Anti-racism can be fun!

Promoting Anti-Racism Can Be Fun!

Anti-racism and anti-discrimination are both very important social campaigns that are often publicized with very serious overtones. Here at Unity Power Force, we want to show that promoting anti-racism and anti-discrimination can also be a lot of fun too. We want to show that diversity and inclusion is not just about proper social norms we should be aiming for as a society but that there are actually benefits when you open up to people who are different from you.

Unity Power Force wants to show that when people from different backgrounds get together to share common experiences, they can benefit from the time spent together. So Unity Power Force will focus on three main key areas – music, food and art, which are three things that most people like.

For our music component, we will feature different people coming together to create some awesome music. Look for updates at our music category as we show all the latest developments on this project including work on our own signature original song, In Harmony, which has important messages to help promote anti-racism and anti-discrimination.

Food as we all know, can be a great way to get introduced to different cultures and regions of the world. Of course trying out new foods can be a lot of fun and we’ll showcase examples of different food we come across at our food category.

Another route to learn about different cultures is through art and here at Unity Power Force we will showcase different styles of art from different cultures but we won’t stop there. We will also showcase submissions from people, their own art creations that have a diversity or multicultural theme that show different people unified (or having fun together).

Here’s our quick video introducing you to Unity Power Force and how promoting such worthy social causes like anti-discrimination and anti-racism can be fun.

Promoting anti-racism and anti-discrimination can be fun

So welcome to Unity Power Force and thanks for visiting. Keep coming back as we plan to be super active here with updates and fun stuff!

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