Development Of In Harmony Part 4 – Opening Vocal Sounds

antiracism discrimination stop racism end asian hate
Dog Roxie makes it into video about In Harmony

Development Of Antiracism Song In Harmony Part 4

Hope you caught our last development of #antiracism song In Harmony part 3 which was about where the full lyrics were finally written. In this new part 4 as well as the accompanying video, I talk about the interesting vocal sounds at the beginning of the song.

The last part of these vocal sounds, the ‘eye ya’ parts, are actually very similar to a Chinese Cantonese phrase in which the English equivalent would be like ‘eeww’. Many folks would say ‘eeww’ if they taste something awful or see something that is gross and disgusting. This is easier explained in the video below.

Vocal Sounds At The Beginning Of In Harmony

Now obviously the singers in our antiracism song In Harmony are not using the phrase ‘eye ya’ to express ‘eeww’ since there’s nothing ‘eeww’ about the song! It’s just a coincidence that the vocal sounds in the song are similar to the Chinese Cantonese phrase.

I thought the entire vocal sounds part was just a cool thing to add in for the song especially with a group of singers like the one we had for the recording of the tune. So now you can listen to In Harmony with a deeper appreciation for these vocal sounds.

Here’s the video where I talk about the opening vocal sounds.

Development Of In Harmony Part 4
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