Call Out For Participants To Appear In Next Video Of In Harmony

Example of video shot

Call Out For Participants To Appear In Next Video Of In Harmony

This is a ‘call out’ for participants in a lyrics video for our song In Harmony. Hopefully you have seen our music video of In Harmony which as you know by now, promotes anti-racism and anti-discrimination. We also released the longer extended Monster Guitar version of the song. Now we want to do a lyrics video for the same tune.

A lyrics video is simply one that shows all the lyrics and words of a song while playing the tune in the background. We see lots of these on YouTube but we want to do something better than the usual lyrics video which shows nothing else but just the words on screen. We want do a more interesting type of lyrics video.

So instead of just seeing word text, we want to show real people of different backgrounds and ages. On our version of a lyrics video, different people will be shown taking turns pointing to lines from the lyrics of In Harmony as I demonstrate in the photos here. This will help promote anti-racism and anti-discrimination by having a diverse group of people taking turns to show the messages from In Harmony as the song is being played as the audio. Viewers will be able to read each line of lyric as they hear the song.

How We Will Shoot The Lyrics Video

Don’t worry, participants in our lyrics video do NOT have to sing or dance! Each individual just needs to stand and point either downwards, upwards or to the sides where we will add in the lyrics during the video production. We’ll mix it up so different people will be in different poses and we’ll shoot each person on camera for about eight seconds which will give us enough video footage for each line of the song as it’s playing on the finished video.

We would like to have people from different cultural and racial backgrounds as well as ages. Participants can appear one at a time or we can have two people at the same time as well. Since we want to encourage community involvement, we’ll try to accommodate as many participants as possible but we figure we can use about thirty people. We can fit even more folks if they pair up.

For shooting the video, I can try to come around to each participant’s home or preferred location if within 30 minutes of Mississauga and schedule times at everyone’s convenience. The actual shooting of the video will not take much time as we only need eight seconds of video footage for each lyric line.

For participants who live further away but still within an hour of GTA, we can schedule video shootings when I’m in your area during the early part of this summer. For those who live more than an hour away or internationally, we can also try to fit these folks into our lyrics video but they would have to shoot their own video footage for eight seconds. Then they would have to send the video files to me. For these folks it would be best to arrange with me to determine which poses should be used as well as video formats.

If you are interested as a participant and/or have friends or family members who would like to be in this video, just contact me directly. For locals we’ll see if we can schedule you in for a video shooting.

For those further away, we’ll plan out the steps to get your video footage to me. You will have to use your camcorder (or phone if you turn it sideways to shoot in landscape rather than portrait mode). Then we’ll make arrangements to upload your video file to a Dropbox.

Again all participants are welcome to have friends and family members with them in this fun community video project.

We would like to have all video shot for this lyrics video before the end of July if possible.

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