Toronto Ethnic Mayor Means Less Racism Than Before
I did not vote in the Toronto mayoral campaign because I’m not a resident of Toronto nor have I really been paying any attention to the different candidates and their platforms. So I wouldn’t be able to tell which one of the candidates would have been the best for Toronto mayor anyway. However, the fact that Olivia Chow, who is of Chinese descent, won the top job and is the first Toronto mayor from an ethnic background is pretty cool. Toronto is the largest city in Canada and with Chow winning, this might suggest that even though we still have racism, maybe we have a little bit less racism these days.
I’m sure that the growing diversity of the Toronto population also has something to do with this as well but Toronto is not the only Canadian city who has had a mayor from an ethnic background. The second largest city in Canada being Vancouver, also has a mayor of Asian descent and Calgary had one with a Muslim background.
For me personally, it’s always about the best person for the job no matter what culture or racial background this person comes from. At least our Canadian society is becoming open to having the best person for this type of job no matter what background he or she has.
Here’s my quick video short on this and it’s only fitting that our song In Harmony is the music background for the clip.