Solar Eclipse 2024 In Harmony Music Videos
Although I personally did not go outside to see the recent solar eclipse due to surgery recovery and that fact that it was a very cloudy day in Collingwood, this event did give us a sudden opportunity to create some more music videos with our song In Harmony which promotes anti-racism, diversity and anti-discrimination. Fortunately, there were some nice video creators on YouTube who designated their videos of the solar eclipse as Common Creative which allows anyone to reuse their footage.
The solar eclipse is a good fit for In Harmony because this natural cosmic occurrence demonstrates that everyone and everything in its path are exposed to it no matter which country, ie., there are no borders when it comes to such events. It reminds us that we all live in the same world no matter what race, religion, culture and country we associate with. Therefore we should all learn to get along. This is an important message to humanity especially in these times of conflict that is happening around the world.
I created three separate music videos with the solar eclipse/In Harmony pairing; one is a full length music video while two others are video shorts using just parts of the chorus. Enjoy the magical video footage of the solar eclipse of 2024 below and share these videos with others to help spread the important message about tolerance and world peace.