Simona First To Record At New Studio Location

home recording music studio

Simona First To Record At New Studio Location

Now that I’ve relocated to Collingwood which is two hours north of Toronto and Mississauga, one of our Unity Power Force singers Simona became the first to travel up here to record at our new recording studio location. The entire studio with its acoustic blanket covered sound booth was dismantled in Mississauga and moved up north to its new location in a finished basement in a very peaceful and quiet area in Collingwood.

Originally much like in Mississauga, I planned to put up the studio in one of the second floor bedrooms of my new Collingwood home but the light fixture came down too low from the ceiling to fit the sound booth in. Luckily a part of the finished basement was a perfect fit for the sound booth and we did two separate recording sessions with Simona when she stayed up here for a few days as a nice getaway from the city.

Inside the sound booth everything looks pretty well the same as it was before when it was running out of Mississauga. But as the photo below shows, our recording studio is just in a nicer quiet area as looking down the street you would never think that there is a music studio located there.

home recording studio music

Upcoming Songs Being Recorded

Our two sessions with Simona were extremely productive as she sang chorus and background vocal tracks on four different songs! Our new jazzy pop rock song Love Has Left Me already had my vocal tracks as well as Chantall’s but we added Simona’s voice as the third singer to it and now this tune is completely finished in recording. It is now currently at the pro mixing stage with our mixing engineer in Toronto.

Simona also sang on our upcoming rock cover of the big dance hit What Is Love, another original rock song called Hold Onto Your Dreams and our first love song ballad named My Heart’s With You. In fact Simona was the first singer besides me to sing on My Heart’s With You.

So as you can tell, Unity Power Force has been busy with a lot of new songs with many of them near completion. All instrument band tracks have been recorded and we are just adding in additional voices to the vocal tracks.

With the exception of Love Has Left Me which is already at the next stage of production, the other new songs which are considered still work in progress, are open to new singers from the local Collingwood area as we start to make our presence known up here. Our now veteran singers from the city like Chantall and Michelle like Simona pictured below with me and her friend during her trip up here, will be coming up north for future recording sessions. It would be great to have a mix of voices from the Toronto and Mississauga areas along with some new ones from the north here in Collingwood appearing on our new songs.

In case you missed it, during our initial recording sessions up here in Collingwood with Simona, Unity Power Force also released a special acoustic medley with In Harmony and our solo guitar instrumental Hope.

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