New Types Of Our Video Shorts

guitar cover songs clint cora unity power force

New Types Of Our Video Shorts

If you have been following Unity Power Force on any of our social media like our Facebook, Instagram, TikTok pages and even our YouTube channel which are all linked by the graphics at the bottom of this post, you probably saw some of our video shorts (or reels). These are very short video clips averaging 15 to 30 seconds each.

Some of our video shorts are small sections from our official music videos while others are more like ‘behind the scenes’ type of clips where we show you a bit from our recording studio sessions and when we talk about some interesting background details about some of our tunes.

For those of you on TikTok, we post an additional type of video short there which are not posted at our other social media because on TikTok specifically, we can add on or ‘duet’ TikTok clips created by other creators. In most of these cases, I can be seen lip syncing one of our Unity Power Songs along with the original video shorts created by others.

For example, I would lip sync Shoot It In The Net to exciting hockey and soccer highlights and In Harmony to beautiful nature scenes. Since these video clips I’m adding onto are exclusively TikTok videos, we can only duet these on that platform and not on Instagram, Facebook nor YouTube.

Video Shorts Of Cover Songs

A new type of video short that you will soon see on our social media including at our YouTube channel will show me playing a bit from different cover songs. These will be beginning chords of songs on guitar from musical artists I have always liked as well as sometimes play and sing choruses from these songs. So many of these new video shorts will be just guitar playing while some will have singing as well.

These new cover song video shorts will give you an idea of where my musical influences came from which result in the musical styles of Unity Power Force today. Also these new video shorts will also be entertaining in a way for some folks because rarely do you see any Asians playing well known rock songs anywhere.

Here are a few of these new cover song video shorts.

Rocking out to The Rolling Stones song Brown Sugar
The Beatles Day Tripper on guitar
Rocking out to ACDC Girls Got Rhythm

These new cover song clips will appear on all our social media as well as on our YouTube channel and we will continue with our other formats of our video shorts too. So hopefully you will find visiting our social media even more entertaining than before. Just click on any of the social media buttons below to get to the platform you like.

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