New Church Cathedral Music Video Of Hope Instrumental

acoustic guitar hope instrumental unity power force church cathedral music video song

New Church Cathedral Music Video Of Hope Instrumental

Ah, the magic of the green screen – I had previously used a green screen to create a Chinese Garden music video version of our acoustic guitar solo instrumental Hope. This time I found a royalty free photo of the inside of a nice church cathedral and used the green screen effect on iMovie once again to create a new music video version for the same song.

This background really works well for Hope because the acoustic guitar was enhanced at the professional mixing stage to make it sound like it was being played live inside a big cathedral or cave (more about a cave version coming in the future). The church cathedral is an awesome background for this tune as it sets a great atmosphere for it.

This is not to say that the original first music video version of Hope which was in the middle of a natural wooded area isn’t nice either but both the Chinese Garden and this church cathedral version is just a different spin on the audio visual for the song.

Here is the new music video version.

New Church Cathedral music video version of Hope

Acoustic Guitar Medley Of In Harmony/Hope

By the way if you have not listened to our Acoustic Guitar Medley of In Harmony/Hope, here’s the Spotify embed app for your listening pleasure as these two songs fit really well together as they were both composed in the same musical key. You need to have at least a free Spotify account to listen to the full track or it will just play a sample of it.

Acoustic Medley of In Harmony/Hope
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