Final Dance #3 By Evelyn To In Harmony

Dance #3 by Evelyn to In Harmony

Final Dance #3 By Evelyn To In Harmony

Two weeks ago we posted dance #2 by Evelyn to our song In Harmony while last week we saw Alina’s dance #2. This time we see the final dance #3 by Evelyn but before we show you that clip here are her first two dances so we have her entire collection right here on this webpage.

Dance #1 by Evelyn to In Harmony
Dance #2 by Evelyn to In Harmony
Dance #3 by Evelyn to In Harmony

As you can see, her dance routines get more and more complex over each clip. I can kind of see that Evelyn puts in dance moves she used in her Latin dancing so this is certainly no standard TikTok style dance on video. If you watch any of these three dance clips on YouTube, please hit the Like button to give Evelyn’s performances some love as she deserves it. Unity Power Force thanks Evelyn for her dance performances.

Listen To In Harmony On Spotify

You can listen to the full song In Harmony at any major music streaming platform including Apple Music, Amazon Music and Spotify. If you are a Spotify account holder (even a free one), you can listen to the full track with the best sound quality right below via the Spotify embed app – others will just hear a preview.

Listen to In Harmony at Spotify
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