Development Of Anti-Racism Song In Harmony Part 2 – Melody + Lyrics

Initial idea of song that didn’t make it

Development Of Anti-Racism Song In Harmony Part 2

Hope you caught my first video about the development of our anti-racism song In Harmony part 1 where I showed the very first initial musical idea I ever had for the song so long ago. In part 2 this time, I play the fuller musical melody that I developed years later that was enough for a full verse and chorus for a song. Problem was that I still didn’t have any idea what the song was going to be about since I had no words.

The first lyrical idea that came up had nothing to do with anti-racism or anti-discrimination. Instead, I was going to use this song to write some lyrics about people getting bored at work since I think this is actually something a lot of people can related to. It’s not as silly as it might sound since many folks hate their jobs.

But this idea never panned out at least for this song anyway. I still might write a song in the future about this funny topic about people bored at work — image the music video for it with people getting frustrated with piles of paperwork on their office desks (as in the photo above) and the odd poor soul even accidentally spilling coffee all over their work!

Since I didn’t expand on this idea, I was back to square one with no lyrical ideas for this song until one year when I went on vacation to Mexico which is the topic for part 3.

Here’s the part 2 video of our development of In Harmony series.

Development Of In Harmony Part 2
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