Antiracism Song In Harmony To Be Released On Spotify

in harmony unity power force antiracism music song spotify
In Harmony to be released on Spotify

Antiracism Song In Harmony To Be Released On Spotify

Yesterday I posted about Unity Power Force to begin a lot of activity on social media platforms including TikTok, Instagram, Facebook and YouTube. Although we had established pages on these pretty well right from the start when we launched this official website, we were not that active on them yet until now.

The reason for this sudden increase in social media activity is that we are learning how to reach more people as well as to keep connected with those who are already exposed to us. We want to do this because we will be releasing our antiracism song In Harmony on major music streaming platforms like Spotify, Amazon Music and Apple Music.

Although we already released studio and lyrics versions of In Harmony on our YouTube channel, we want to get In Harmony on platforms where most people are now listening to music which are on Spotify and others. The sound quality will always be the best on these music streaming platforms since the audio is not compressed as it is on YouTube. This means that you can hear the low and high ends of the sound spectrum in music much better on Spotify compared to on YouTube even though there’s no visual.

We’ll be talking more about this in the next few weeks to help get those not currently using music streaming platforms to perhaps start since Spotify does have free accounts anyone can sign up on and start listening to high sound quality music, even the old favourites from decades ago.

The big date to keep in mind for now when In Harmony will be released on Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music and other music platforms is;

October 14, 2022

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