Fun In Recording Studio With Singer Chantall

Fun In The Recording Studio With Singer Chantall

Unity Power Force singer Chantall has been featured in all our released music with vocals so far and has been in our recording studio singing more tracks on upcoming songs. Sometimes studio sessions go well while other times they don’t go as smoothly as planned. But in each case, it’s always fun for Chantall which is a great attitude to bring into recording sessions.

Here are some fun video shorts with Chantall in the studio showing that sometimes things work well and sometimes they don’t. But if you go into the recording studio with a good attitude, it’s always fun even when initial takes don’t always work out. Fortunately we do enough takes where we can get some decent performances out of our singers and this is usually the case with Chantall.

Chantall’s reactions to various vocal takes
Chantall likes this performance
A vocal track Chantall doesn’t like so much
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