Weird & Zany Short Videos For Shoot It In The Net

scuba diver guitar shoot it in the net unity power force videos
Guitar playing scuba diver

Two Weird & Zany Short Videos For Shoot It In The Net

In addition to the official music videos we are producing for our new song Shoot It In The Net, we also posted on our social media, two very weird and zany short videos since that’s what the viewers on platforms like TikTok seem to like. So since these video shorts must be much shorter in duration compared to our official music videos, we used only the chorus section of the song.

Here are the two crazy short videos, one featuring a scuba diver and the other a skier playing rock guitar to Shoot It In The Net.

Scuba diver playing rock guitar
Skier playing rock guitar

For Spotify account users, listen to the entire song on the Spotify embed app below – others will hear just a preview.

Listen to Shoot It In The Net on Spotify

Which of these two zany videos do you like more, the scuba diver or the skier? Feel free to comment below.

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