Using Keyboards In Our Guitar Driven Songs

music songs keyboards piano guitar
Using keyboards in our guitar driven songs

Using Keyboards In Our Guitar Driven Songs

Even though I play both guitars and keyboards, I play guitars as my primary musical instrument. I did learn how to play piano first as a child at about five years of age but once I discovered rock and roll in my teens, I became much more interested in guitar. This is reflected in the music in Unity Power Force as our songs are guitar driven as you hopefully heard in our first release In Harmony on Spotify, Amazon Music and Apple Music.

My guitars are the primary musical rhythm instruments providing the main chords of the song and this will remain the same when we release newer songs too whether they are pop rock like In Harmony or more hard rock like our second release called Shoot It In The Net. But even though the guitars are the prominent instruments, you will hear that I added keyboards as well.

In Harmony features a piano added in if you listen very carefully and our second song Shoot It In The Net will also have keyboards added in but at various places throughout the song. I added these keyboards because I feel that they enhance the overall sound of the songs. To me, keyboards in some form whether a piano or a more electronic synthesizer sound adds a touch of class to the music.

When combined with my guitars, the keyboards broaden the music underneath the vocals and gives the songs a bigger production feel which hopefully expands our musical audience.

Here are some video shorts which demonstrate some of these keyboard sounds I used in our songs.

Piano used in our song In Harmony

For our song Shoot It In The Net, I used two keyboard tracks with one being a techno type of sound that comes in during the verses and another one which is more like a strings synthesizer sound which supplements the rhythm guitars especially during the choruses. In this short video clips I actually show you these two keyboard sounds separately.

Keyboard tracks used in Shoot It In The New

You can listen to In Harmony below at the Spotify embed app to see if you can hear the piano mixed in with the guitars.

Listen to In Harmony on Spotify

Listen to Shoot It In The Net to see how the keyboard tracks are mixed in with the guitars. With Spotify embed apps, you need to have at least a free account in order to hear the entire song. Other folks will just hear a preview.

Listen to Shoot It In The Net on Spotify
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