Development Of In Harmony Part 1 – Musical Idea

in harmony song chords
Shortage of ideas for song

Development Of In Harmony – Part 1

Hope you had a chance to listen and watch our music video for our signature song In Harmony which promotes anti-racism and anti-discrimination – if you missed it, just hit the link. As mentioned in that post, I’ll be shooting a series of short videos that give folks a glimpse of how the song was composed and recorded starting with the first one below as part 1.

Development of In Harmony – Part 1

As I mention in the video, even though the recording of this song started at the beginning of this pandemic two years ago, the first musical ideas I had for it came many years ago, decades actually. I experimented with some interesting jazzy sounding chords on my guitar and came up with a short melody over them but it was just a short section which eventually became the prechorus of In Harmony.

I didn’t get very far as it was just this short section of melody I came up with and zero ideas for lyrics. I left this musical idea pretty well ‘in the drawer’ for a long time before I developed the fuller melody, enough for a verse and chorus which I’ll explain in part 2 of this series coming up.

See you in part 2 and in the meantime please enjoy and share our song In Harmony.

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